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Getting Unstuck: How I'm Journaling to Move Forward

Writer's picture: Rachel Marie Rachel Marie

Lately, I’ve had Taylor Swift’s Right Where You Left Me playing on repeat in my head. Not because of a bad breakup or anything terrible that’s happened—quite the contrary. My life is going incredibly well. I’m engaged to a wonderful partner. My children are happy and thriving. I have a job that I enjoy. I am immersed in several creative projects. And yet, I feel frozen in place.

I have a long list of things I want to accomplish before the end of this year: a wedding to plan, business decisions to make, friends to catch up with, and art to make, and I feel completely paralyzed by the choices in front of me. It’s left me incredibly frustrated; asking, “What is wrong with you? Why can’t you just make a decision?”

It wasn’t until a TikTok medium popped up on my for-you page and called me out. She said, “You need to let go of the idea that you need excuses to stay safe.” Wow. You know those moments when someone holds up a mirror and all of a sudden you see yourself a little disheveled, shirt wrinkled, mascara smudged… not quite what you were expecting but the image is perfectly, crystal clear.

And that means, I’m faced with another decision. Am I going to continue to choose to believe that if I make excuses it will keep me safe? Or am I going to do something different? Well, I don’t want to be stuck and frozen, haunting a table in a restaurant forever, I know that’s for sure.

But that’s easier said than done, right? If that feeling feels familiar, here are 25 journal prompts designed to help you get unstuck and gain clarity:

  1. What is one thing I feel stuck on right now, and why do I think that is?

  2. What small step could I take today to move forward, even if it’s just mentally?

  3. How would my ideal life look if I wasn’t feeling stuck? Describe it in detail.

  4. What limiting beliefs might be holding me back from progress?

  5. What past successes can I draw on to remind myself that I’m capable of growth?

  6. What habits or routines are keeping me stuck, and how can I change them?

  7. Who in my life inspires me to keep moving forward, and why?

  8. What am I afraid of if I take a step toward change or action?

  9. If fear wasn’t a factor, what would I do next?

  10. What advice would I give to a friend who felt like I do right now?

  11. What’s one thing that excites me about the future, and how can I focus on that?

  12. What has being stuck taught me about myself that I can use moving forward?

  13. What do I need more of in my life, and how can I create space for it?

  14. What do I need less of in my life, and how can I start letting it go?

  15. What am I truly passionate about, and how can I bring more of it into my daily life?

  16. What strengths can I use to overcome this feeling of being stuck?

  17. What small changes can I make to my daily routine that might help me feel more motivated?

  18. How do I define success for myself right now? Has that changed?

  19. What are three things I’m grateful for today, and how can gratitude shift my perspective?

  20. What do I need to forgive myself for in order to move forward?

  21. What have I been avoiding that could actually help me get unstuck?

  22. What is one fear I’m willing to face today, even in a small way?

  23. How can I embrace uncertainty and use it as an opportunity for growth?

  24. What are three things that are within my control right now?

  25. How do I want to feel in six months, and what can I do today to start moving toward that feeling?

These prompts can help guide reflection and action toward getting unstuck and moving forward.

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